Poster Making

Poster Making - Concepts
Class - 9th English Proficiency Subjects
Concept Explanation

Poster Making

Poster Making :  Posters are placards displayed in a public place announcing or advertising something. Posters are notices, advertisements and invitations—all in one.

Purpose of the Posters :  The purpose of designing a poster is either to create social awareness about issues related to current problems and needs, or to advertise or even to extend public invitations and display notices.

Drafting Posters  :  Posters should be colourful, attractive and tempting.

  • (i) They must be drafted carefully to attract the attention of the readers, excite their imagination and influence their minds.
  • (ii) Posters are read from a distance. Do not give many details in a poster. Highlight only important issue/issues.
  • Main feature of the posters(a) Layout

  • Visually attractive/Eye Catching
  • Title-suggestive/catchy
  • Use slogan, jingle or short verse
  • Sketch or simple drawings
  • Letters of different size and shape
  • (b) Contents

  • The theme or subject of the poster
  • Description or details associated with the theme
  • Essential details like time, date, venue (for an event)
  • Name(s) of issuing authority/organisation, etc
  • (c) Expression

  • Phrases, slogans, persuasive language and creativity in terms of content and design
  • Overall organisation and sequencing of the matter
  • Observe word limit (usually 50)
  • Question : As the manager of ‘Excellent Coaching Centre’ run by you, prepare a poster calling the attention of students desirous of attending IIT, CPMT coaching to join your coaching centre.


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    Language - English

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